Friday, May 8, 2009


The NIHV (New international hip version*) of the bible. My parents are forcing me to read this, so to make it a little more bearable, I'm going to make others feel the pain as well! Click the NIHV for the link to my newly created photobucket album. I'm going to be adding lots to it, so check back whenever you feel like it! I'm also going to be adding footnotes that include cut-off text, background information, or occasionally my own snarky remarks.

*I made that name up since I'm too lazy to type out "Teen Study Bible."

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


108 on math quiz and 100 on science test. :D

I am now passing math!

Monday, May 4, 2009

I have band auditions tomorrow.

I'm probably going to practice for 5 hours tonight. Yay.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

1cc MS

Default lives :D

That leaves the question of LLS extra or MS extra.

LLS extra's stage is annoying as fuck but the bosses are fun.

MS extra's stage is fun but the boss is a lot harder.


:D... no I still can't 1cc MS normal. Also, this is my first hard 1cc.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Not a one liner this time!

Firstly: My uncle just had a seizure and is now in a coma.

I don't know what to make of this really. I disliked him as he was an alcoholic who basically just leeched off of my aunt. On the other hand, I regret not getting to know him more as I may never talk to him again. His blood pressure was so high that blood vessels in the back of his brain burst. I can only hope he gets better, even if he was a redneck scumbag. If he doesn't then I probably won't cry, but I'll still lament his death like anyone would do.

Secondly: My grandmother is leaving.

She's leaving due to the previously mentioned seizure for an indefinite amount of time.
I know it doesn't really seem important, but it is to me. :\ We talk about life everyday and she's the only person I can really turn to when concerned about the status of my parents. She has an unbiased view on my parents/sister and she's one of the only people I can complain to without being ignored. She's also the only one I can trust when I need to tell her something that my parents don't need to know.

Thirdly: Band auditions in a week.

This has really been stressing me out for whatever reason, I know
that it's not really important in the grand scheme of things, but auditions freak me out for some reason. I'm aiming for second band, there's no way I could get first band and third band would be embarassing. I've always been mediocre at everything I do so second band is guaranteed I guess. Not too bad not too good.

------Touhou Stuff-------

Well I gave up on SoEW extra for now. It's just too much for me right now. I'm taking it easy with LLS extra~ I've gotten pretty good at the stage but I still need to work on many things, such as the buzzsaw wall spam, the Orb of Death, and the preboss spam before I really start with Mugetu/Gengetu. Did I mention how awesome they are? Mugetu's ingame artwork is adorable and Gengetu's is awesome. They have excellent themes and they are interesting characters. They'd be good candidates to come back to windows. They'd be a good stage 4 gimmick boss, with one character fighting Mugetu, the other fighting Gengetu, and the possible third character fighting both at the same time? That'd be interesting.

That's all for now really. I hate how screwy blogger's post making system is.